Ancient Archery techniques have been rediscovered by a man named Lars Anderson. In order to find this article believable it is recommended that you watch this video first.
A New Level of Archery (just click) 20 million views and counting….
Lars says:
Many people talk about how what I do is only possible because I use bows that are less powerful than English longbows. They are correct. I’m 50 years old, and have been doing archery for only ten years. I’ll never be able to shoot really fast with 100 lbs+ war bows. I tried, but it just produced injuries. Had I started at age 10, it would have been a different story. 😉
There are stories of ancient archers that could split arrows in mid air. There are stories of blind Zen archery masters that hardly ever miss bullseye. At higher levels Zen archery training includes blindfolded archery.

“Untrue by an inch, untrue by a mile.”
(more details about true aim are still in the works….)