What is the Truth? What is Real? What does Buddha mean by JoeKyun(조견), which means “to see things as they actually are?” The attempt to perceive reality as it is, or the attempt to not misperceive it, is the object for a truth seeker. But Truth has a nature. It has a fractal nature. Reality has a fractal nature. So what do we mean by Truth having a fractal nature? When Baba says “Its not that it’s not true that you are in the universe, its just that its more true that the universe is within you.” he is showing us the fractal nature of truth. Higher Truths supervening and overruling lower truths rendering the lower truths false, nil and irrelevant–this is how Truth itself is structured. Thus, in the final analysis only the Highest Truth remains truly true and the lower truths disappear.
Only the Highest Truth is actually True. The rest are all false (or untrue). Fractal O(Zero) is interesting because though it has no “Truth” in it, it is “at least not incorrect” or “at least not false.” In other words, Fractal Zero, though not correct, is at least not incorrect.
The absence of ‘ignorance’ or ‘falsity’ is what makes Fractal Zero uniquely part of the Truth.
The word Fractal was invented in 1968 by Benoit Mandelbrot, not in time for Baba to use it. Baba, instead uses the expression ‘hierarchic in structure’, or ‘graded orders‘ to describe the construct. He also explains how mysticism is at least ‘rational’, indeed supra-rational. Lets hear Baba’s explanation on the matter:
There is nothing irrational in true mysticism when it is, as it should be, a vision of Reality.
The mystery of the universe is hierarchic in structure. There are graded orders, one supervening upon the other. The spiritual panorama of the universe reveals itself as a gradient with laws upon laws. Superimposition of one type of law over the other implies elasticity and resilience of lower laws for the working out of higher superseding laws. Instead of lawlessness, it means a regime of graded laws adjusted with each other in such a manner that they all subserve the supreme purpose of God, the creator.
The lower laws are subsumed under the higher laws. We have first the law of cause and effect reigning supreme in nature. Such natural laws seem to be mechanical, rigid and inexorable. But by acting and interacting with life-force, they lead to higher laws of sanskaric or impressional determination, and become superseded by them. Impressional determinism is not an exception to causal laws, but is their finer and higher form. It supervenes upon mechanical causal laws.
Law’s grip is eternal till you go beyond law. Then you are free.
Although the whole universe is illusion, yet it is governed by a law, a definite law, and that law deals with every detail. We cannot escape from the law of karma. But when we transcend illusion, the law does not bind us any longer…
For the ordinary man and even the ordinary devotee, this knowledge of the true nature of good and evil is only the fruit of faith or reason. It is therefore theoretical and not real knowledge, and it does not free him from the law of karma — the law that is based on God’s Will, the law that pervades throughout eternity.
The Dnyani, however, because he knows the Truth by actual experience, is utterly free from these bindings, and he therefore knows that, as a Dnyani, he is exempt from the law of karma. Since he knows the nature of good and evil, he also knows that no one is to be blamed for anything he thinks or feels or says or does.
And the Dnyani knows too that the sequels to good and evil, such as heaven and hell, dying and being born and born again, are the results of God’s Will functioning through karmic law, but also that they exist only because ignorance makes them exist. Thus the Dnyani, who may often intercede with God for his devotees and humanity at large, never repents to God and never asks forgiveness for anything concerning himself.
By special dispensation of God, also, the very highest type of devotee, whose whole being is permanently focused on the Divine Beloved, is as completely exempt from the law of karma as the Dnyani.
The Dnyani could only be exempt from Karma if Karma didn’t exist to being with. Things that are real cannot all of a sudden go into non-existence from having really existed. Only things that never existed to begin with, or had no reality (in and of itself) to begin with, can vanish into nothingness again.
In actuality, Karma has been rendered irrelevant, the moment the Avatar of the age declared that “He IS the Sole Player in this Divine Game”. Karma, by definition, is inexorably linked to it’s “doer”. Only the ‘doer’ of an action can incur it’s Karma. If God is the only doer, all Karma must be His. In this Fractal, our very lives, our entire experience is nothing but God’s Karma playing out. This ‘truth’ of Fractal -1 is more true than the ‘truth’ that you are an autonomous doer incurring Karma. In fact, God as the only doer, unveils Karma to be what it was all along–nothing.
Karma is nothing but a hallucination. A lie. It is false, nil, vacuous, & non-existent.
Now if Karma is nil, what about Sanskaras and Reincarnation? Sadly, they are both false as well. Sanskaras, are the very building blocks of Karma. If Karma is a lie, so too is Reincarnation and Sanskaras. Could this be true? Yes, it is. There is no such thing as Karma, Reincarnation or Sanskaras. “They are all lies,” says the Dnyani on Fractal -1.
However, the ‘Pir'(or 6th Planer) sitting in the back can’t seem to stop laughing. “What?” blurts out the Dnyani, “Am I wrong? God is the only doer, I tell you! There is no such thing as Karma or Sanskaras. It is in Baba’s “revealed Truth.” Baba said that God is the only doer, right?” But the Pir just keeps on laughing. “Whats so funny?” asks the Dnyani. Finally, after a long giggle the 6th Plane ‘Pir’ leans back in a long stretch and murmurs:
“Deud! How many times do I have to tell you that Nothing is happening? Nothing has happened! Nothing is happening! And Nothing will ever happen! How can God be the doer if Nothing is happening?”
The Dnyani feels the power of the ‘Pir’s’ Truth weighing down on him from the higher fractal(Fractal Zero). Out-fractaled by the ‘Pir’ the Dnyani sits there looking defeated. “I’ll just shut up and stare at the ground. Oh Baba! When did you show up?”

The ‘Pir’ continues as if he didn’t even notice Baba standing there:
“Don’t worry Deud! You can’t screw it up, I tell you. You know why? Because He already finished it! Its all finished. Thats why ‘surrender’ wants nothing. There is nothing left to want. Baba finished it, in less than a nano-second. Do you really think your ignorance could stand a chance against Baba’s Infinite ability?–Not even for a nanosecond! Your ignorance(Ego) was from the very beginning (for lack of a better expression) ‘Dead On Arrival!’ In fact, your ignorance(Ego) never even existed to begin with! By the way, have I made it clear that this ‘YOU’ that you think you are, doesn’t even exist!?”
And there’s Baba, just standing there smiling, as the ‘Pir’ in the back left telepathically thrashes the Dnynai sitting up front looking at the floor– The ‘Pir’ easily crushes the Dnyani’s world view, with a few strokes from the ‘Higher Truths’ of Fractal Zero.
In this way Fractal Zero can show up at any time and lay waste to Fractal -1 in mere seconds. Just as Fractal -1 had laid waste to Fractal -2, Fractal Zero can lay waste to Fractal -1, in no time. However, Fractal Zero strangely cannot lay waste to Fractal -2. Only the fractal directly above a given fractal can exert complete influence over a given fractal. In other words, Fractal -2 can only be destroyed by Fractal -1, which is the one right above it. Like this Fractal Broccoli, each fractal within a system can only relate or influence the fractal directly above or below it.
Fractal Zero, is the Highest Truth, that we aspirants can target. There is no point talking about Fractal One because Fractal One is beyond words anyway. Fractal Zero is where nothing is happening, and “Nothing” IS actually attainable–even by a rock. Fractal Zero is based on Nothing happening, and this can only be if He(God) finished it already. To understand how this might be possible, have a careful listen to Zen monk Song-Dam on the Essence of the Lotus Sutra.
This was a specimen of my mind for your perusal.
Chai “mischievous” Gatewalla.