Ummah: In Islam, the Arabic term ‘ummah’ refers to the whole Muslim world, or the community of believers. All Christians are referred to as ‘Jesus’s Ummah’. All Buddhists would be referred to as ‘Buddha’s Ummah’, etc.
Malhama: Apocalyptic war prophesied in the ‘End Times’, wherein 99 out of every 100 will die on the winning side — what more of the losing side. Essentially, it is said that the ‘Christ team’ will defeat the ‘Anti-Christ team’ once and for all.
Kalki: The final Avataric incarnation of Vishnu, prophesied in the Vedanta; At the end of the present Kali yuga (age), when virtue and dharma have nearly disappeared and the world is ruled by the unjust (New World Order), Kalki will appear to destroy the wicked and usher in a new age (Satya Yuga).
Maitreya(미륵보살): is a Buddha who is prophesied to appear on Earth as ‘the Savior’ in the ‘End Times’. In Buddhist Literature dated to the late 1st millennium, a future Buddha Maitreya is depicted as Kalki.
Meher Baba, the Maitreya, the Kalki Avatar, the Second Coming of Christ the Messiah, has already come. We are now 54 years into his manifestation, we only have 46 years to go before His 100 year manifestation comes to its conclusive climax, opening the door to what he called the ‘New Humanity’. The ‘New Humanity’ is also known in Christian eschatology as the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’– the ‘Golden Age’ by the Taoists — the ‘Kingdom of Buddha'(불국토) or ‘Pure Land’ (정토) by the Buddhists, — and ‘Satya Yuga’ by the Hindus.
In 2023, we are currently living near the climactic end of Kali Yuga, wherein the radical autonomy and so called ‘independence’ of the individual is seen as the highest of virtues. And where secular society operates under the false principles of atheistic materialism. Kali Yuga is a period wherein the majority of people are hypnotized into a consensus trance devised by the ‘club’ to induce unwavering conviction in a set of interwoven axiomatic falsities.
Those who have seen through this ‘veil of deception’ enveloping humanity, are filled with both a sense of joy and sorrow. The bliss of awakening to the ‘lie’ is intermixed with a profound sadness & frustration having found it almost impossible to ‘awaken’ even their loved ones.
Yet, in the end the ‘awakening’ is ultimately inevitable for everyone. This ‘awakening’, or ‘apocalypse’, in the end times is impossible to avoid. Once North Korea shut its borders on its own people in the 1950s, even the most ardent ‘social justice warrior’ was awakened to at least one thing for sure:
‘We are all now in a prison state, which I helped build.’
— ‘In the name of some man-made ideology
(such as saving the planet, democracy, social justice and equality, and same sex bathrooms),
we actually managed to imprison ourselves.’
When almost the whole world turns into a ‘Digital Prison’ and the very last figurative ‘gate to freedom’ has been slammed shut — at that time — your cousin who always called you a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ will essentially awaken, to what you’ve been trying to convince him of, all these years. At that time even the most ardent transhumanist advocate will come to know exactly what he had helped achieve. The Russians came to know exactly this in the early 20th century, when the Soviets finally slammed the last remaining ‘gate to freedom’ on them.
The people who were fighting hard to ‘save the planet from our farts’ will, on that day, come to understand that the planet never needed our help to begin with.
My point here is simple: There will be no awakening the masses, until it’s too late.
How do I know this? Prophecies contained in the ‘revealed Truths’ given to us by the Masters of Wisdom — of all five Avataric religions (that Meher Baba has validated) — say so. Upasni Maharaj also makes it pretty clear as well. Meher Baba does too, though in a far more veiled (yet nonetheless clearly detectable) manner.
Thus, the only recourse for us few who can see through the hypnotism, is to ‘Come out of her my people! — Come out of Babylon!’ as the awakened Christians & Muslims often say. Leaving the cities, and divorcing ourselves and our loved ones (as much as possible) from the worldwide digital prison system that is currently being built (by the duped) — is the only path left for us. God is dividing ‘his people’ from the hypnotized masses– He must separate his (figurative) sheep from the goats.
The ‘apocalypse’ is the great awakening from all the lies & falsities. When Rome collapsed in the 4th century, such an ‘awakening’ actually took place in the West. People who used to believe in Rome and its ways, lost complete faith in their Rome-based belief system. It is said that for 50 years after West Rome collapsed, the people of neighboring countries refused to believe that Rome actually collapsed. They had thought Rome was not collapsible — not unlike the people of modernity today who ardently believe in secular(atheistic) progressivism.
This collapse of faith in Rome is what caused a minor manifestation of the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’, that we now call the ‘Dark Ages’. Jesus’s manifestation culminates in what ‘history’ falsely calls ‘the Dark Ages’. The ‘Dark Ages’ are called the ‘Dark Ages’ only because, from the view point the ‘dark side of the force’, the light side looks really, really dark. It is the ‘renaissance’ and so called ‘enlightenment’, together with the ‘the scientific revolution’ that brought the world down to its present depths of extreme darkness.
Do a search in ‘Stay with God’ — pdf using ‘dark ages’ or ‘renaissance’ as your key search word,
and you will begin to see exactly what I mean.
For more information, see the videos on Meher Haven YouTube site for a video called Kali Yuga:
The whole song (all the words) is quoted from Lord Meher. Here it is:
KALI YUGA — Meher Baba – YouTube
Meher Baba had ‘Das Avataras’ read out to his followers many times at various occasions.
Das Avataras Kali Yuga Lord Meher – YouTube
Jai Meher Baba!
All is His will.
Chai Gatewalla
Magnifique ❤️ Thank you 😊🙏‼️