Khayla’s State Of Love
What a complete joy it was to meet Khayla Rose Choi twice last year. The first time was in mid-June, 2014 and the second time was at Bhaustock.
As a new Meher Baba lover, I was invited to a Dhuni at Meher Haven. Literally minutes after stepping on to this wonderful farm, I was asked to help bottle feed the goat kids. How nurturing was this activity! As we finished with the kids, Khayla and I started speaking and almost unconsciously Khayla decided to supervise the first part of my first visit. Others joined us as we visited the produce garden and were introduced to the free roaming dogs and cats and pot belly pigs. Then at sure footed Khayla speed up the incline we went to one of the most sacred places on the property, the Buddha House. Khayla pointed out the special parts of the Buddha House and most particularly mentioned Bhauji’s bed. She explained that all of the kids who visited loved this cabin where they stayed and played. And then everyone went out on to the deck to see the most magnificent view of a great part of the valley. The view was breathtaking; the experience was breathtaking, and Khayla and her passion were breathtaking.

Once back down to the Choi home – while relishing it — I expressed amazement at all the animals just freely roaming around. In a very matter of fact way, Khayla assured me all the animals should always roam around freely. In retrospect, I understand Khayla was gently and firmly underscoring her belief that,” real love is capable of no attachment and trusting all is the perfect way to be.” At this point, I was rather taken aback. Here was a young girl introducing a pretty objective adult to provocative new thoughts. Generally and then very specifically, Khayla told me how she so very much loved Meher Haven and the wonder, the beauty, and the freedom of this property.
Albeit five decades chronologically separated us, we spoke so candidly and so honestly. In life I have been gifted to meet an exceptional number of people and I have been blessed in this regard. Every now and again, I have visited with a particularly illuminating human being. It is with unusual clarity that I recall each of my contacts with Khayla. Most simply put, Khayla was the single most extraordinary young person I have ever met! Khayla was profound in her presence and in her words far, far beyond her years. In a very gentle but elegant and confident way, she grounded concepts that I had only considered in the abstract before she lived them into reality. A great joy is that in her diary Khayla also acknowledged our special first contact. Ahhhhh, Meher Baba gives us such wonderful affinities with each other and I am thinking he invariably does this when we least expect it. There is so much to look forward to and to share. I am sure this is part of Khayla’s message.
The most important thing I wish to underscore here is Khayla’s gentle but huge presence, wisdom far beyond her years, her internal beauty, her love, and her simple elegance. She just radiated joy and from my humble perspective, Khayla is a pretty pure manifestation of love. I only hope that more humans can attain the pure manifestation of love that is the state Khayla realized.
Love is Infinite.
Tricia O’Neill