Eruch Jessawalla
Disciple of Meher Baba
Narrated by Payam Ajang
Lyrics below
Download looper(song) here and put it in a loop.
Make sure to use headphones to get full surround-stereo effect.
A Looper is a self-indoctrination-aid to help aspirants assimilate the “revealed truth” into their world view. Put it on a loop in your phone and go for a walk.
This piece is narrated by Payam Russ. As a side note, she did not know she was being recorded when she was reading it over the phone to me.
Q: How can we bring Baba into our process of decision-making and what role would intuition play in it?
Eruch: If you have given yourself to Baba, all the decisions that you make will be his descisions. Once you are his, whatever decision you make, know that it is what he wants, for once you have determined to be his and act accordingly, you can be rest assured that your decision will reflect his wish. However, your determination to give yourself to him cannot be just lip service—you should feel that you are his and act suitably. Furthermore you must remain totally resigned to the results of any decision taken as indicated above, otherwise it will be tantamount to you alone having made the decision.
Q: What becomes of free will and determination, and doesn’t the sense of ‘all is by his will’ induce a certain degree of inactivity?
Eruch: On the contrary there will be intense activity. Although a third party may have a different view, you will have at the back of your mind the thought that your are his and that he is the one who is making a decision that is good for you. When you have so firmly given yourself to him and are sure of being his, you will view all that happens as taking place according to his will and pleasure.
Q:…. but why should we work for good or bad results that are already predetermined?
Eruch: It is predestined that you should work. It is also predestined that what you view as ‘your doing the work’ will change to ‘his doing the work’. This takes time and happens in stages.….the stage comes when you experience that “I am not’ state and then you are totally his.
Eruch: Really speaking there is no free will. What you call free-will is no more than an assertion from someone that he is a part of the whole, evidence for which is that he has accepted the fact that his name is so and so. This exercising of his so-called free will is bound to disappear when his assertion ceases and his mistaken free will mergers into the Divine Will.
(Questions answered by Eruch Jessawala)
– Glow International Winter 2016