A speech given by Larken Rose at Porkfest 2013 that explains Gandhi’s great error in thinking. To read what Meher Baba had to say about the strict rule of non-violence that Gandhi advocated, click here: Violence & Non-Violence
Study on Meher Baba Movement
‘Baba lovers’ are “probably the biggest underground network in humanity.”
–British Independent 1996
“Has the movement died out? Hardly: People’s Castelino estimates current adherence
at “millions… all over the globe… so vast that the net has nearly 600 web pages
of information on Meher Baba. Since Meher’s death in 1969, following
has grown fourfold.” — People (India) 1998
The Fractal Nature of Truth
There is nothing irrational in true mysticism when it is, as it should be, a vision of Reality. –Meher Baba
Violence and Non-violence
This essay explores how the philosophy of non-violence propagated by Gandhi, unbeknownst to us, is crushing our spirits today. This essay lays bare the unfolding catastrophe that will become Gandhi’s legacy.
Sanskrit: the most Scientific Language
Why are physicists, mathematicians, and computer programmers turning to Sanskrit? How is Sanskrit the most scientific language? What is wrong with English?