The Diamond Sutra makes reference to the five 500 year periods until the Dharma will become invisible, 2,500 years from Buddha’s death. Most scholars set this year to be around 1957. It is said that
shortly there after the Maitreya would come.
True Aim
Ancient Archery techniques reveal a glimpse into our real potential as human beings. Are we far more capable than we think we are?
Masturbation and Captivity
The Aka and the Ngandu people do not masturbate. Researchers are discovering a link between masturbation and captivity. Monkeys have been observed masturbating in captivity but not in the wild.
Are we in a state of captivity?
The Tarahumara
They can run 435 miles in just over 2 days. However, this running ability is only one facet of their life style. The truly remarkable thing about them is that they are unable to tell a lie.
The Lotus of Surrender
Examines what Buddha called the ‘Highest Teaching’ as it relates to Meher Baba.